Friday, May 7, 2010

Divorce - when the ex doesn't understand what that word means

This is not only my first blog post on this blog, but my first blog post ever. I desperately need an outlet and am hoping this serves the purpose. After ten years of marriage and three children my marriage ended. I am guilty of many mistakes, particularly after I checked out of my marriage on an emotional level towards the end. I was by no means a perfect husband, but I was and continue to be a wonderful father who wants nothing more than a healthy childhood for my three beautiful young ones. I have been separated for over a year and a half with my divorce being final about nine months ago. I thought divorce meant 'the end' but am finding out that when you have a particular kind of ex it really means 'the beginning.'

Ultimately, I would love to find a community of men who are in a similar predicament and can share ideas, stories, successes, victories, suggestions and complaints. I would like to create a forum for men with very difficult divorces who would want to put the children first, but are fighting an uphill battle.

This blog is not intended to be mean spirited or hateful. However, as a factual matter I am dealing with a mean-spirited, hateful, vindictive, angry, bi-polar ex-wife, and as such there may be times I find it necessary to speak about her frankly.

Additionally, as I strive to spend more time with my children, begin my new life and try to make some progreses with my personal growth I am still being impeded by the person I tried to get away from.

I welcome comments of any kind, ideas about launching this blog or stories about your own difficulties.

I am meeting with my ex-wife this afternoon. She has indicated she will offer me more time with the children after this face to face meeting. Tomorrow's post will be the results of the meeting and although I am hoping she is true to her word, there's a better than average chance the blogosphere will get a chance to meet the real version tomorrow......